To stop your browser from redirecting is actually the least of your worries. The Alureon virus has been around for a long time and unfortunately it is high on the severity scale. Most anti spyware programs will completely miss it before it's too late, and once it has installed itself deep inside your computer it is hard to get rid of.
It can compromise your security by giving internet bad guys a way to get a hold of your passwords and financial data, and it is a welcome matte for even more viruses that are designed for financial gain.
Finding a browser redirect fix is a difficult task, because in many cases any files that you download and try to run will probably eventually not want to work. You may be told for instance that your installer has been corrupted, and at some point you may experience difficulty running normal programs.
This is a root kit virus so the key is to try and disable the TDSS infection. Simply performing a scan with anti virus software will not remove it. The main problem is that it encrypts itself and hides alongside of a normal driver that Windows gives permission to run. When your anti virus software scans your computer, the driver is displayed to the program as being perfectly fine.
Another major issue is the fact that the Alureon virus can give a person with malicious intent a lot of leeway with your PC. They can literally use this as a gateway to uncover financial data that you might have on your machine.
At the very least, when you try to search for particular keyword phrases in Google, Bing or even Yahoo, any link that you click on will instantly redirect you to other web pages that you could care less about, and usually with the goal in mind of making money on their end.
You might even find that your hard ware seizes to work properly, and that your computer will give numerous error beeps, and the sooner that you take care of this issue the better, because it does tend to get worse.
Now, to fix the redirect virus, there is a guide that will take you by the hand, save you time, money and your computer and show you what you need to do to destroy it for good. Check it out here.